Monday, August 13, 2012

Summer time!

a random assortment of photos from our summer so far....

Climbing in Squamish
Gryffin at triathalon club

Rowyn at swimming lessons

 Picking strawberries on Canada Day... enough for strawberry shortcake?
 Making whipping cream for the strawberries
  Strawberry shortcake!!

 Okanagan Lake

 Chillin' out on the lake

 hiking in the Okanagan
 Goodbye to Tillicum Daycare
 Rowyn turns 5!!

 Calla and her fancy cupcake
 Rowyn learns the ropes at Circus camp

 Seaweed brain at Jericho Beach 

 Rowyn's Birthday party at the Pony Meadows
 Rowyn rode Sierra,
  Gryffin rode Nikita,

 It was so much fun!
"I want the spotted pony! Which one do you want?"

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Garage update

 It was a wet day back in May when the back yard was dug up for the garage foundation.

The start of the footings and foundation forms.  

 Forms all ready for the concrete.
 A few friends to help pour the concrete.

 Concrete poured and 7 cubic yards of gravel waiting to be shovelled. The first of 2 piles that had to be moved. Oh what fun!!!
 Poured the garage floor in July after some of the walls were up. Concrete was supposed to arrive at 8 am but the day before a plant shut down caused a change of plans and it couldn't arrive till 1pm. It turned out to be a hot day and made for a bit of a tense pour. Thank goodness the driver was awesome and stepped in to give a hand.
 Rowyn checking out the new floor!
 Walls are up and the roof is in place. Building inspectors Gryffin and Rowyn checking out the quality of work. They both approve.

 Can the help get any cuter then this?
 Gryffin checking out the shingles.
The garage door is on and we're now trying to finish up all the little details so that the siding can start going on.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

And the GARAGE came down!

Our once beautiful garage that often contained a river down the left hand side!

The claw!

It really didn't want to come down. When the backhoe first grabbed it, it actually shifted off its foundation.  

Look carefully through the door and you can see the right wall is lifted off the ground approx. 3'

Just a little bit left to go...

Yeah someone to help!

I've always wanted to use a jack hammer!

I'm smiling on the outside, on the inside I no longer want to use a jack hammer!